Pedro Leitão is the founder and director of Trama, and a collaborator of the Brazilian Foundation for Sustainable Development (FBDS). He was Executive Director of the Arapyaú Institute (2011-2013) and of the Brazilian Biodiversity Fund - Funbio (1996-2009). Earlier, he worked at CNPq, in the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, as a science policy analyst, advisor to the Presidency and director of the Museum of Astronomy and Related Sciences (MAST). At the Brazilian Institute of Municipal Administration (IBAM), Pedro was an advisor to local governments in Brazil and Latin America and has sat on the governance boards of several social organizations. He holds a degree in Public Administration from EBAPE/FGV, a master's degree in Community and Regional Planning from the University of Rhode Island, USA, and a PhD in Production Engineering from COPPE/UFRJ. He has taught graduate courses at both COPPE/UFRJ and EBAPE/FGV/RJ.