Program mobilizes youth to co-create socioenvironmental transformation projects
The UNLEASH Amazon regional innovation laboratory brought more than 100 young people together to discuss sustainable development solutions for their biome.
Green connections bring the farms closer to the innovation ecosystem
Farmers add knowledge and value to innovative solutions deployed by startups in the Sustainable Soy for the Cerrado Program
Regenerative and sustainable agriculture to be discussed at an international event
Three projects funded by the Land Innovation Fund are on the agenda of Troca de Saberes (Knowledge Exchange), which will take place in September in the capital of Goiás.
International event debates how agriculture relates to grow environmental and climate challenges
Four projects supported by the Land Innovation Fund took part in Aapresid’s 2024 Congress in Buenos Aires
Land Innovation Fund rides in ILPF’s 2024 Caravan
Two farms on the itinerary of technical visits are part of the SustentAgro project portfolio.
Fund to promote innovation for sustainable agriculture presents impact results
Em três anos de atuação, Land Innovation Fund entregou soluções para mais de duas mil propriedades rurais, distribuídas em 2,5 milhões de hectares em quatro países da América do Sul.
Bolivia launches a laboratory with technology used by NASA
The PRIAS laboratory will analyze soil carbon with a simplified process to save time, cut costs and get more precise results
Startup develops end-to-end monitoring system for carbon trading
Green Bonds Brasil has leveraged almost R$1 million in grant funding to develop a carbon custody chain for soy
A Sustainable legacy
Selected for the Sustainable Soy for the Cerrado Program, Bio2Me turned a family inheritance into a bio-assets export initiative
Here are the startups selected for the 6th round of the Sustainable Soy for the Cerrado Program
Six new initiatives will join the program's portfolio and receive technical and financial support to develop their solutions

A space for dialog and the production of knowledge on urgent contemporary climate, environmental and agricultural issues, with the contribution of the Land Innovation Fund's partners.