Solidaridad Foundation promotes sustainable soy production in Matopiba
The Solidaridad Foundation, a partner of the Land Innovation Fund and the Association of Farmers and Irrigators of Bahia (AIBA), has concluded a project that consolidates its performance as an organization working for best agricultural practices in the soy chain in Western Bahia
Sustainable production advances in the Gran Chaco, conserving natural areas and leaving a smaller carbon footprint
155,000 ha. have benefited from a project led by the ProYungas Foundation, the Argentine Association of No-till Farmers (Aapresid) and the Moisés Bertoni Foundation of Paraguay.
Socio-environmental solutions for low carbon agriculture
Based on a partnership between Treevia and GSS Carbon and Bioinnovation, with support from the Land Innovation Fund, the Arbaro Carbon platform will combine state-of-the-art technology with technical and legal expertise to measure and sell environmental assets.
The cerrado seen from a 4-wheel drive
Researchers from PUC-Rio's Center for Conservation Sciences and Sustainability (CSRio) explored more than 15 thousand km of the Cerrado biome and interviewed 60 farmers from the Matopiba region in an unprecedented study on the adoption of sustainable agricultural practices in the field.
Forging sustainabilty throughout soy supply chains in Argentina’s gran chaco region
The Land Innovation Fund is supporting CREA and ACSOJA’s teamwork on a sustainable soy project with 100 farmers, covering an area of 250,000 hectares
Sustainable agriculture for everyone
Produzindo Certo's project to democratize access to sustainable farming methods will offer free courses for farm-related professionals in the Cerrado and Amazon biomes, with support from the Land Innovation Fund
Groundbreaking study highlights the importance of sustainable acricultural practices for the carbon balance in soy farming
Research by the Solidaridad Foundation, with support from the Land Innovation Fund and the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad), charts the carbon balance in different soil scenarios on 50 farms in Brazil’s Matopiba region.
Sustainable agriculture in the gran chaco debated at AAPRESID’s 30th congress
Panel brings together the leaders of three projects now supported by the Land Innovation Fund in the Gran Chaco biome.
Green triumph
From no-till farming to crop-livestock integration and investment in bio-inputs, the Manjabosco Group shows how sustainable agricultural practices promote the health of both the soil and their business
Fund to present Gran Chaco projects at international congress
The Land Innovation Fund, along with its partners ProYungas Foundation, Aapresid, CREA and CIARA will participate in a panel in Argentina on “Innovations and alliances for sustainable agricultural production”.
A space for dialog and the production of knowledge on urgent contemporary climate, environmental and agricultural issues, with the contribution of the Land Innovation Fund's partners.