Green Pixel Initiative
First Brazilian ESG map
As the first Brazilian agtech company to obtain intellectual property to create a blockchain specific to the demands of Brazilian agribusiness, SciCrop's proposal is to develop smart futures contracts in blockchain, that will preserve or regenerate areas of Brazil’s Cerrado based on satellite images collected over twelve months. The smart contract generates a single, digitally signed file that reproduces the real biomass conditions in an area over a given period and certifies the landowner's socio-environmental preservation or regeneration actions in the micro-region.
With the Green Pixel data, the farmer can sign smart contracts with private investors to receive financial offsets for environmental preservation actions, CO2 removal rates per hectare of preserved or regenerated areas, mitigation actions against the risk of suppressing native vegetation, or social initiatives for local communities carried out with NGOs pre-registered in the startup's database.
The private investor accesses the Green Pixel Initiative website, chooses areas to protect and buys pixels in the form of a smart contract. Payment is calculated as the sum of environmental, social, and administrative fees. SciCrop's proposal stimulates deforestation- and conversion-free agriculture, while helping to neutralize carbon emissions and reducing social vulnerability in the Cerrado's lower HDI locations.