Who We Are
We are an innovation fund set up to seek solutions to one of today's biggest challenges: deforestation. Initially funded by Cargill and managed by Chemonics International, we support the design, development and delivery of innovative solutions for a sustainable and climate smart agriculture, free from deforestation and conversion of native vegetation in three of South America’s priority biomes: the Cerrado, the Gran Chaco, and the Amazon.
We support innovations that bring higher yields through sustainable practices, mechanisms that motivate producers to conserve and restore native forests and vegetation, and initiatives that mobilize networks and resources to transform the soy supply chain.
We know that complex issues require integrated and innovative solutions. That is why we want to bridge the gap between science and the field, opening up forums for dialogue between farmers and researchers, private and public sectors, academia and the market, local communities, and startups.
We aim to stimulate participation by new players in discussions and actions on sustainability, because we believe that a diversity of viewpoints goes hand in hand with innovation. Together we can turn ideas into deeds, in the quest for sustainable agricultural practices.
Our Mission
Support the development of innovative solutions for a sustainable, deforestation-free soy supply chain.
Our Vision
To be the partner of choice for actions that combine innovation and sustainable development towards the transformation of the soy supply chain.
Transforming the soy supply chain demands a broad scope of integrated actions.
To this end, LIF supports innovative solutions across various fields, from public policies to agricultural practices, from new financing mechanisms to scientific research & development.
The following innovation pathways guide all LIF’s programs and contributes to building a vibrant innovation landscape for sustainability in the agricultural sector.
Policy and Tools
Recognizing the value and revenue potential of environmental services and sustainable agricultural practices, supporting policies and regulations, and creating the opportunities, conditions, tools, and mechanisms to enable them.
Improving sustainable agricultural production and land-management practices in soy farms, particularly.
Increasing the value of the standing forest and native vegetation, enhancing the natural landscape protection tools and reducing conservation and restoration costs.
Promote the sharing of knowledge among all stakeholders to foster evidence-based innovation