Microalgae to protect Cerrado soils
Protocol to evaluate the use of microalgae to protect and restore Cerrado soils

The startup uses microalgae to fix atmospheric carbon in the soil andproduce plant growth-promoting chemicals tocounter desertification and low agricultural yields. The company aims to use the technology on soy farms as analternative to chemical fertilizers that will promote higher crop yields and regenerate degraded areas, in line with the principles of regenerative agriculture and environmental conservation. Its direct access to a network of Cerrado researchers and farmers as a participant in the Program, will allow Biotecland to exchange knowledge and further enhance the solution to meet the needs of the biome.
The startup is developing a protocol to evaluate microalgae technology for soil protection and restoration in theCerrado,usingtechnical and scientific know how that can be replicated on any farm in the biome. The plan includes organizing a team of up to five technical institutions to implement the protocol in at least three Cerrado states. Little-used analyses such as BIOAS (biological activity of the soil) and metagenomics (analysis of soil biodiversity) will also be adopted for a better understanding of soil integrity and its impact on yields.